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Welcome Wanderer!

So you find yourself on a journey to something new…a more authentic life, to be more intentional in your thinking and choices, to adventure.  To live a life that is true.

Well, I am so glad you have found me.

mom on the beach at sunset kissing a baby

Your decision to adventure into a truer way of being, whether driven by crisis or epiphany or both, is the first step on your path to a more authentic way of being.  Living a life of intention is the most surefire means to gain clarity into your true purpose and bring peace and light into your life.

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear.

Mark Twain

I found myself in a dark space in my life in 2018.  Although, if asked to define a life of achieved goals, I would have described the life I have.  Successful career, husband, three beautiful children, a large suburban home…

But despite having what I set out to in life to achieve, I found myself primarily just waiting, a sense of being on autopilot.  Waiting to get through the day, waiting for the weekend, waiting for the next vacation. When I had time to myself, I escaped through a binge-fest with Netflix.  The pressures of being a working mom, with a high stress job was taking a toll on me. This was sucking the joy out of what I worked to attain.

And, my body was screaming at me that this was not the path.  I suffered from insomnia and anxiety. Although I had all the life accomplishments I had defined for myself…I was not the person that my soul knew I was.  A change needed to happen. I wanted to slow down. Enjoy my children while they are young. To savor the beauty of my life.

Midlife: when the Universe grabs you by the shoulders and tells you “I’m not f-ing around, use the gifts you were given.”

Brene` Brown

So, I set out to improve myself. To be “better.”  But my approach was flawed. Seeking to be better was reinforcing to me that there was something wrong with who I was.

The truth was, I needed to be more authentic.  I began to examine my life choices. To intentionally explore what I invested time in.  To make mindful choices. The results of this reflection terrified me. I was placing value in all the wrong buckets.  Working late, working on the weekends, worrying about what other people thought, not believing that what I was doing, was good enough.

My epiphany was that I had stopped investing in was me.  I had successfully invested in extensions of me…my career, my marriage, my children.   While those are immensely valuable, I had stopped paying attention to what my soul needed to feel fulfilled.

I listened to that small voice that said, “This is not you.  This is not who you were meant to be.”

I examined what brought me Joy.  



And as I began to define those things that made my soul joyous, I knew I needed to find a way to make a change.  A way to bring those pieces of me into my everyday. To live with intention. What made me feel complete and nourished my sense of self. It is those pieces of you, the activities that allow you to get lost in the wonder of who you are that I needed to reinvest in.  Art, travel, reading, creative writing. I battled against the fears of failure, that these were silly ventures. And this blog was born.

What do you seek?

If you find yourself lost in a sea of to do’s and demands, join me in seeking a more authentic life.  One lived with intention. To seek out what brings happiness to your soul. That allows for joy in the everyday.

I am a licensed therapist.  I have formal training in helping people find their way through dark places.  My background in motivating people through examine and restructuring their negative thoughts allows me to use my gifts to help my clients silence that inner critic. As a result, I draw upon those professional skills, but seek to lend voice to my spirit.

Thank you for spending your time with me, as I seek to fulfill my life’s intention through travel, parenthood, and balancing life with authenticity.  It is my goal to share with you what inspires me through art and prose. I hope that it inspires you to have the courage to wander, to seek your adventure and push back against routine and fear.

Come wander with me….

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