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As the end of 2019 approaches, there is opportunity to pause and reflect upon the year. Did you live your best life this year? Were you the kind of person you wish to be, a better you? It requires intention and mindfulness to be our best, and it is not always easy to define how to be a “better person.” TED talks offer small snippets of insight that can guide you in your journey to be a better you.

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The Power of Kindness: Orly Wahba

This little viewed TED Talk is invaluable and needs to be shared! Orly Wahba, the founder of Life Vest Inside is creating a world-wide movement of kindness. The motivation to be a better you must not be driven only to get what you want in life, but to create greatness within the world. Feeling good about oneself can not come from only from being better for you, but to be better for all the people you cross paths with. Check out her Kindness Boomerang video!

Points to Ponder:

  • “The more I gave, the more I healed…”
  • “The moment a person sees the beauty within themselves, makes seeing the beauty in others easy.”
  • “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your richness, but to reveal to him his own.” Benjamin Disraeli

Life Vest Inside: Kindness Boomerang

By Orly Wahba

Orly Wahba’s YouTube video, Kindness Boomerang is an uplifting music video that demonstrates the power of kindness. Make the world a better place, one small act at a time.

The Illusion of Rudeness- The Myth of Respect: Richard Burnell

This inspirational TED Talk encourages a better you through increasing mindfulness into our judgement of others. We have an expectation of respect and often do not consider the motives behind another’s actions. Mindfulness toward the world and the people who surround us can deter feelings of anger and entitlement. These emotions are barriers to being a better person.

Points to Ponder:

  • “We need to take pride in what we put in, not what we take out.”
  • “We are simply different and remembering that difference is the first cure into seeing rudeness.”

The Art of Being Kind: Stefan Einhorn

Stefan Einhorn’s talk is also a little known TED Talk and offers truly invaluable insights into how kindness can create a better you. When we do good in the world, we gain intrinsically, but those good deeds also influence the likelihood that others will do good deeds for us. We create a kind world and a better life for us when we are kind to others.

Points to Ponder:

  • “Kindness as the road to success.”
  • “You gain from being good.”
  • “Our good deeds spread like waves.”

Living With Intent: Mallika Chopra

In this funny and enlightening talk, Mallika Chopra offers insight into how to be a better person through approaching our everyday with passion and conviction. That through the tasks that we carry out everyday, we find purpose and intention. We can become a better person not through giant acts or campaigns, rather by doing what we do with our whole self.

Points to Ponder:

  • “It’s the everyday people who do extraordinary things who are increasing the frequency of this planet.”
  • “Do it with love, with compassion, and with conviction, and you will be living a life of purpose.”

Own Your Face: Robert Hoge

This TED talk may be one of the most moving and inspiring in your journey to a better you. Robert Hoge shares his journey through life with congenital defects that deformed his face and body. His insights will stir reflection into your own insecurities. How can one be their best self when you cannot love your own self? When we can gain self-acceptance, we can focus our intention on being our best self in how we live our lives and how we love others.

Points to Ponder:

  • “Owning is choosing.”
  • “Understand all the love, and the life, and the pain that is part of your face, that is the art of your face.”

Stop Searching For Your Passion: Terri Trespicio

Terri Trespicio’s TED talk may initially seem off-putting. The advice to stop focusing on following or trying to find your passion contradicts much of the motivational content you find online. Her message is that you create your best you through living what is in front of you. To give your all to the present moment and through this practice, you may discover what brings you joy and satisfaction in your life. There is no better way to see it, create your life by living it, not planning it.

Points to Ponder:

  • “You don’t create your life first, and then live it. You create it by living it, not agonizing about it.”
  • “Passion is not a job, a sport, or a hobby. It is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is right in front of you. And if you’re so busy looking for this passion, you could miss opportunities that change your life. “
  • “Passion is a feeling and feelings can change.”

The journey to a better you begins with inspiration, to influence your mindset. Be a better person through intention, self-acceptance, kindness, living the life in front of you. Stop wishing for something different, love what you have and passion will find you. Here’s to a better you!

TED Talks to make you a better you
Better You

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